Sunday on Monday

Helping women live out Sunday's message in their everyday lives.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Simply Christian week 5

Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.
It is a great exercise to tell the basic story of Israel. Even if you don't want to write it down... tell it to yourself outloud. It's amazing how much you remember (and then how much you don't) and of course, Pastor Dennis made it a little easier for us by his sermon yesterday. What a terrific sermon. Insights that were very interesting to me-That God constantly was rescuing the rescuers and that the people of Israel kept going away and returning.

I want to comment on part of the Table Talk question from the Childrens section. (you guessed it--because I can)

Jesus was an Israelite. As Christians, we would say that Jesus was the greatest leader of the Israelites. ...what makes Jesus different from them?

A comment made by one of my small group members answers the question succinctly ...Jesus was the only rescuer that never needed rescuing!

Have fun wrestling with the assignments this week

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? Psalm 77:13

I am so enjoying the Simply Christian campaign.

The definitions given this week are wonderful. Heaven is where God lives. God is not defined by the boundaries of Heaven- but God defines Heaven. God is "boundary-less." Earth is where we are. We live within the boundaries of time and space. Heaven and earth have places that overlap or interlock. God is not far away and uninterested. He created His heaven and our earth and through His creation we see evidence of who He is.

I want to use the Table Talk question from the Teens section. (because I can).

Based on your view of God, do you feel that God is there to help when you have been treated unjustly or when something terribly wrong happens to one of your friends or family members? Explain how.

I do believe God is there to help. I think that He is there to bring His amazing peace that surpasses all understanding. I think He gives direction in how to respond to unjust situations. And how that happens...the peace, I think comes in one of those heaven and earth overlaps as well as His direction. In part the direction comes from our process of getting to know God's ways, as we study the life of Jesus and as we pray and learn and live out the heart of God. This gives us the ability to respond in unjust situations as a reflex of His heart, ways and purposes.

Have fun wrestling with these questions.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Well, it was this week that what Pastor Dennis predicted came to pass. The reflection/discussion of justice has created more questions than answers. A couple years ago, I would have said that justice (out of the four "echoes of a voice") would be the most easily described. Wrong! There is comfort in being "allowed" to have all these questions for answers.

Table talk-

Tell about a time in your life when you really believed you were treated unjustly-

I am just going to go with the first one that came to mind...a long time ago, I went to a new friend because it was evident that I had offended her and I wanted to make it right by apologizing. She said to my face that there was nothing wrong...I was at a loss as what to do, my apology had in a sense been rejected, so I left. Later I found out from my husband that she had lied... not only was she offended but it was over something entirely different than I thought. The lie wrecked our relationship. I was horribly uncomfortable around her and avoided her after that.

What could have been done to make it just- well honestly, I should have forgiven her and worked through my discomfort and pride...Justice in regards to this lie, did not happen in a timely manner because of pride & woundedness and immaturity.

Ironically there was a kind of justice that God allowed me to witness that caused me awe. Years later I saw her at a gathering and in one of the only other conversations I ever had with her, she recounted to me about how hurt she was that someone she thought really respected her, lied to her; she was amazed that she had been treated that way. My mouth almost dropped open. What she had done to me was done to her and she was telling me about it, oblivious to the fact that every time I thought of her, it always brought back the memory of her lying to me. I truly did not rejoice in her pain but it did give me pause that God allowed me to witness it.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Simply Christian Intro

I have been trying to decide how to approach the Simply Christian Campaign in this blog...Well the journal has helped this week in that one of the Personal Reflection questions is similar to a Table Talk question-so I am going to share a little from the question, hope that this might prompt some comments and it can be like an online Table Talk discussion.

When do you feel inspired to worship God?

This may sound like I am trying to come across as "super spiritual" but it is the honest truth... When I am faithful to spend time with my S.O.A.P. journal (if you want to know what this is ask and I will explain), God is ALWAYS faithful in "speaking" to me through the Bible in this process. I get so excited as I see things He wants me to see, things that fit right into what my heart is longing to "know". In this process I feel close to God and want to truly worship Him...right then communicated in prayer and then with my out the purpose He has for me.

Monday, January 14, 2008

How Wise People Build Wealth- Warren Buffet

These have been very practical messages. It is interesting how much the Bible tells us about wealth and working.

I think one of the most important parts to internalize is- Our source is God and His ways. God gives and He wants us to be generous....God gives and He wants us to be wise with what He gives...He doesn't want us to be fearful or greedy.

Simple...not easy, but Simple!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

How Wise People Build Wealth

Happy New Year!

I like new beginnings...fresh starts. I wrote in my notes, on Sunday-Thank you (to God) for this message coming early in the year.

It was a simple message...simple but hard. Give 10%(at least), Save 10% (at least) and live on the rest...Don't spend what you don't have!

The thing that Pastor Dennis said that really hit the mark with me...Education about this topic is good but when it comes down to's discipline and applying God's Character to our lives that will make the real difference. It reminds me of the Scripture-2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (New Living Translation) We can choose to do things God's way and He has given His Holy Spirit to help us.

Let's start out disciplined in the new year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Head Turning Power of Kindness-

This is Sunday on Monday (or Tuesday)

Well, I am sorry that this is late...I wish I had a good excuse...

so to just dive in-

A couple things really stood out to me in Pastor Dennis' message.

  • The story of the Good Samaratin points out that kindness costs us, time, convenience, comfort...

  • Be Aware- Jesus had His agenda but was reachable. He still is! He wants us to be like Him.
I wrote in my notes after these things....We are not too old to be changed by the Holy Spirit as we yield to His way. You may have been "burned" in the past-showing kindness. You may think you don't know how. That doesn't mean we stay the way we are. Let's be willing to take a risk, reach outside our comfort zone and put God and others first.